Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Summer Garden

Here is my new Summer garden. Some of my spring plantings were dried up so they were removed and replaced with green and red elephant ears, the purples, the little lilacs and the magentas. The plants selected shoud endure the summer's heat better.

Here is a peek at the houseplants from my Spring garden. They are all doing great. I have had to make more room for all of them already.

Here is the new section of my houseplants that were purchased during the Summer garden shopping spree. Again, I have sunk bricks into the garden to provide a platform for the pots.

My frogs now sit on these side bricks instead of underneath the herb planter. A new view for summer for them.

Look how many baby Spiders have grown. I need to go get some soil and start the "Baby Spider Nursey" and make new potted Spider plants.

Here is a new hanging Spider plant that I just purchased. My two hanging English Ivy plants did not make it in the Spring heat. This one and the next hanging plant should do better in the summer.

These wonderful plants are nice and hearty and will grow anywhere. That is what I am counting on.

Here is the temperature for today at 8:30a.m. this morning. He was reading 80 degrees.

Here is how the lounger sidetable is looking. I still have room for my coffee, cell phone, book that I am currently reading, a notepad or sketchbook and eye glasses. My garden is great.

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